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Most students have experienced or suffered from procrastination(拖延症). Here are some tips to help you reduce procrastination.

Set goals

Students often procrastinate because they think that they can put off the work for a while and enjoy their time at the moment. 1., when the deadline becomes one day away and the essay has yet to be started. In order to stay on track, you should constantly set and update goals. It can be beneficial to mark all deadlines in a planner and think about how much time you need to meet them all. Update your plan for the upcoming two weeks so that you do not get overwhelmed, and continue to update as other assignments and events arise. Additionally, make a daily schedule in order to reach necessary goals before going to bed.

Reward yourself

It can become extremely difficult to work for hours straight in order to finish schoolwork. In order to keep productivity, set breaks at the end of a period of time or once you finish a section of your work so that you can reward yourself with some deserved, scheduled, and controlled procrastination-like activities. 2.. Breaks like these are proven to increase productivity and keep you focused, and they will make the process of studying much more bearable!

Remind yourself of what you’re doing

Sometimes you may begin to think that what you are working on has little to do with what you ultimately want to do. You may consider some work or a class pointless and not useful to your further studies. However, when these thoughts arise, remind yourself what the ultimate goal of your schooling is. Remind yourself why you wanted to go to school and take this program in the first place. 3..

Turn off the Internet

4.. If you do not need the Internet to do your work, turn it off so that you are not receiving notifications while completing your work, and you are not so tempted to search for sites. The same goes for your cell phone; you can take a break from being connected to the cyber world in order to do your schoolwork. If you feel the need to check messages and websites often, set time when you will allow yourself to do so rather than constantly staying connected.


Being productive for all hours of every day does not work—you do need breaks, and as a student you are entitled to have a lot of fun. So, in order to balance productivity and amusement, plan time to go out with friends or do something relaxing. But ideally, social and relaxations plans should be made after a significant portion of work is complete. This way, while you are working, you can keep in mind that once you have finished your work you can go out and not worry about your assignments.

A. Enjoy every minute in school

B. Have something to look forward to

C. The Internet has become an essential part of our daily life

D. You may understand why you should focus on completing your work

E. This thought tends to make things worse, though

F. Some of the most common distractions are those found on the Internet

G. You may have coffee with a friend, cook, or watch a television show

