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Summary writing

The life of a journalist can be exciting. To be in constant pursuit of the latest news demands a curiosity that can only be rewarded by getting to "where it is happening" as soon as possible. The goal, of course, is to relate what is happening to the public as clearly as possible.

However, every journalist must be careful to report not only a vivid picture of what is happening, but a true picture. Each journalist reports his or her own version of what has taken place. Still, this version must be an actual account if the reporter is to maintain a reliable reputation.

In order to get to the truth in some news stories, a reporter must rely on the statements of someone who is on the inside of the situation. Often this insider will only talk to a reporter if the reporter promises never to reveal the insider's name. The insider usually threatens never to admit meeting with the reporter if his or her name is revealed.

Because stories of this nature often involve criminal activity, reporting them becomes a dangerous job.

This kind of work involved in obtaining news in this manner serves as an inviting situation for the underworld as well as the legal world. Members of the underworld want to find out who the insider is so that they can keep him or her quiet. Members of the legal world claim that the reporter will obstruct(阻挠)justice if he or she fails to disclose the insider's name.

Devotion has given journalism its reputation for reliability ﹣ a reliability that each journalist is expected to uphold in his or her search for truth. Supplying a truthful account of each day's occurrences is the serious contract made between reporter and the public.


