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Quick Ways to Fight September Blues

September can be an exciting time of year with school starting, fall sports coming back, and the cooling of weather. However, this can also start a difficult season. 1. If you are struggling with the September blues, here are some tips you can do to help you go through this time of year.

Get yourself moving

This might not be what you want to hear, but exercising is an excellent way to keep both your body and mind in good shape. If you feel yourself down or anxious, try exercising can help clear your mind and give you a chance to identify what exactly is causing you stress. Do not worry if you do not have time for an hour long workout. 2..

Spread your social butterfly wings

3. You do not need to admit your feelings or bring up your blues, just talk. Invite a friend for coffee, a walk, or dinner. Not sure you want to talk? You could always try a movie. Leaving the house and socializing will help you reset how you feel. If you do not feel comfortable social contact, try sending a text or email.

Get flexible

Yoga is a great way to help reduce stress and get fit. Yoga practice involves learning how to breathe and thinking about your body as you enter each pose. If you are not sure about your balance or flexibility, considering trying a recovering class that focuses on training and recovery. 4., so you can relax as they do the work.5.. It is a common problem affecting both children and adults. If you feel extremely down or begin to feel helpless and worthless, seek out professional help. A licensed therapist(理疗师)can help you work through your feelings so you can get back to feeling like yourself.

The tips above will help you.

A. Pressure always forms in September

B. Some studios will offer recovering classes

C. When you are feeling low, find a friend or two to talk to

D. It is hard dealing with the pressures of a new school year

E. Developing some hobbies is a good way to get rid of stress

F. Just get 10-20 minutes of movement in and you will still benefit

G. If you have realized that September blues are something you struggle with, do not be ashamed

