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Our non­profit organization had just received a large donation of clothing. As three of us walked home for dinner, we saw a woman begging by the bridge. She was old and had no legs. She shivered in her thin sari(纱巾), which offered little protection from the cold wind. Her hunger forced her to beg. My friends and I looked at each other:here was a perfect opportunity, but first it was necessary to do a little bit of research.

We went up to the woman to hear her story. She spoke very little due to her poor health and fear, but we learned enough. She lived alone in her small home. She had no one to look after her and ate whatever people gave her. The desire to help her grew stronger. After speaking to her, we headed back to get something to keep her warm. Finding the perfect sweater, we set out again to see the woman. This time, the fear was replaced by distrust as we presented her with the sweater.

“Are you robbers?” she asked. “You came here before and are back so suddenly with clothes.” I was surprised by her principles.Even in her state, she did not want to wear anything that was stolen and gained through ill means.

“No, we are out doing service work.” Her shoulders relaxed a bit. I then helped her put the sweater on and said, “Please don't sell the sweater.” “I swear, I won't,” she said.

A week later, I was out walking with my mother to get some food when I saw the woman again. This time the picture was a little different. She was still begging, but with the gray sweater wrapped around her body and a smile on her face when she saw us. I guarantee that the smile on my face was bigger.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. The organization had too many clothes.

B. The writer offered help without hesitation.

C. The woman wanted to make a fortune by begging.

D. The writer was careful before offering help to the beggar.

2.What do the underlined words “her principles” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. She never trusted strangers.

B. She never accepted donations from the poor.

C. She wouldn't accept anything gained illegally.

D. She wouldn't take advantage of others' kindness.

3.What contributed to their smiles at last?

A. Kindness and trust.   B. Caution and fear.

C. Doubt and distrust.   D. Optimism and generosity.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Trusting the Beggars   B. A Beggar’s Morality

C. The Sweater to a Beggar   D. Learning to Judge a Real Beggar

