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Drowning is the second-most common cause of accidental death in children aging 1 to 14 (just behind motor vehicle accidents.) In a study by a national safety group, 90 percent of children who drowned did so while under the care of an adult or teenager. 1..

They are gasping(急促吸气)

2.. And for young children, who are in a horizontal face-down position, they are unable to keep the mouth above the water’s surface at all.


They have to be able to breathe before they can speak. When people are drowning, their mouths sink below and reappears above the surface of the water. There isn't time for them to exhale, inhale, and call out.

They don’t seem in trouble

Sometimes the most important indicator that people are drowning is that they don’t look like they are drowning. They may just seem to be looking up at the sky, shore, pool deck, or dock. Ask them, “Are you all right?” If they cannot answer at all, they probably are drowning. 4..

They are trying and failing, to swim in a particular direction

A drowning victim can’t make any forward progress while in the water, according to the American Red Cross. “A young child may appear to be doing a ‘doggy paddle’ but has no forward progress,” according to the official lifeguarding guide. 5..

A.They can’t call for help

B.They can’t wave for help

C.All efforts are devoted strictly to getting air

D.Here are the steps for you to follow when someone is drowning

E.They could also take in water when drowning victims are gasping for air

F.You may have less than 30 seconds to get to them if they return a blank stare

G.Watch for these signs that someone is in trouble to avoid a tragedy in the making

