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How to Survive Dorm Life

Living on campus is just a challenge students must face. When you live in a college’s residence building, you may be excited to live away from home.1.But at times you may have trouble adjusting. Here are some survival tips.

Don’t just shout.

Talk it out. You could move in with other students from different places and have it be the best living environment or have it be the worst. 2.If there’s a problem, always talk it out with your roommates first but don’t shout.


Whether you share a space with one person or several, you should have a cleaning schedule that can be followed by everyone. Don’t fall into a situation where one person is always cleaning up.

Make your room represent you.

Your dorm room is not only the place you study and sleep but your home. Show your personality. You can put up the posters your parents don’t allow, or add a rug or colourful pillows. 4..

Be open to differences.

College is a place to expand your horizons and get to know about other cultures. You may meet people who behave differently and eat different foods. 5.Instead, try to get to know them and learn something new. The guy or girl might turn out to be one of those lifelong friends.

A. You should talk with your friends.

B. The key to making it work is communication

C. Have a time schedule.

D. Keep the room clean together

E. You may experience seemingly unlimited freedom for the first time.

F. Don’t dismiss people based on their differences.

G. Do whatever you can to make your room a comfortable place.

