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Give a man a fish, they say, and he will eat for a day. ________ him to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime. When I ________ meals to the homeless, our charity (慈善组织) has ________ been the “teach a man to fish” variety. But a few fish dinners recently have ________ me of several times when someone gave me a fish ________.

In 1965, I was studying in Munich, Germany. ________ in line for the ticket for the opera, I ________ a man who seemed to have lost his way. When I ________ if he needed help, he told me he was an American who had been there for ________ a week. A Jew, he had not been ________ to find the synagogue (犹太教会堂), and I offered to give him ________. When he left Munich, he gave me some canned food. Inside was gefilte fish. Since I was feeling homesick, this old favorite was a real ________.

My parents once told me that many people would do favors for me that I could not ________. But if I watched ________, they added, 1 might pass the ________ along to another someday.

A gift of canned gefilte fish seemed a(n) ________ favor to return. But nearly 30 years later, I had a cousin working in Kenya. He wanted to organize an American-style ________ for his friends, but could not find American-style gefilte fish in Kenya. ________ it usually comes in glass bottles, I was able to find some packed in cans, and I ________ a box of canned gefilte fish to him from Memphis.

Give a man a fish, and ________ he may find a way to give a fish to someone else. Even 30 years later.

1.A. Treat B. Bring C. Teach D. Help

2.A. served B. lent C. awarded D. sold

3.A. seldom B. often C. hardly D. also

4.A. warned B. convinced C. informed D. reminded

5.A. freely B. helpfully C. generously D. randomly

6.A. Watching B. Standing C. Running D. Searching

7.A. noticed B. recognized C. helped D. greeted

8.A. explained B. wondered C. doubted D. asked

9.A. even B. already C. just D. still

10.A. able B. likely C. lucky . D. happy

11.A. fish B. advice C. tickets D. directions

12.A. fortune B. comfort C. shock D. reward

13.A. expect B. afford C. accept D. return

14.A. carefully B. curiously C. quietly D. calmly

15.A. saying B. forgiveness C. kindness D. understanding

16.A. special B. impossible C. generous D. unnecessary

17.A. meeting B. dinner C. performance D. celebration

18.A. In case B. Now that C. While D. Since

19.A. mailed B. donated C. introduced D. suggested

20.A. usually B. properly C. gradually D. eventually

