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One day I went to a mall to search for a job. I saw a guard in tidy uniform (制服). I was _______ by it, so I walked to her and_______ her, and in return, she said hello to me with a smile, appearing very _________ . I  asked her the _______  of her company and where it lay.  She   responded nicely. I said to myself I_______ to work like her.

When I got home I_______ my first CV ( 简 历 ). The following day I went to the_______ company where the guard worked and was told there were no ___________  currently. I begged her  to keep my CV and hand it in when there were jobs offered and she _________  it. After a month the company________ me, inviting me to come for an interview. I really________ the chance.

The interviewers were very __________, so I was invited to a month long training. I ________  the training and the trainer put me on the first  group due to the good ________ I  got in the   training. I was________ at the same place as the lady, which________ me.

From that day on I told myself nothing is________ in life. If you dream it and fight for it, then you can________ it. We are always limiting ( 限 制 ) ourselves by saying the sky is the limit, but the________ is that only you can limit yourself. So only you can go beyond the________.

1.A.drawn B.affected C.moved D.shocked

2.A.comforted B.greeted C.praised D.encouraged

3.A.patient B.careful C.professional D.friendly

4.A.rule B.history C.name D.service

5.A.agreed B.loved C.afforded D.learnt

6.A.saw B.read C.remembered D.wrote

7.A.only B.special C.exact D.similar

8.A.jobs B.tasks C.projects D.plans

9.A.kept B.watched C.chose D.refused

10.A.found B.needed C.thanked D.called

11.A.created B.shared C.appreciated D.improved

12.A.confident B.kind C.calm D.satisfied

13.A.requested B.passed C.received D.organized

14.A.goals B.habits C.exercises D.results

15.A.working B.training C.shopping D.playing

16.A.touched B.helped C.surprised D.disappointed

17.A.important B.impossible C.boring D.valueless

18.A.enjoy B.develop C.achieve D.explain

19.A.fact B.discipline C.message D.promise

20.A.dream B.sky C.interview D.chance

