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In our day-to-day lives, we must interact with a wide variety of people. Some of them are easy to get along with, but others can be more challenging. It' s impossible to like everyone.1.With the right attitude and good social skills, you really can get along with just about everyone.

2.People with a genuinely positive attitude are seen as more attractive and charming by others. The more you can cultivate this outlook in your own life, the more people will like you.

Don't make promises you can't keep. It can be difficult to say no to people, especially when you want to get along with everyone and may whole-heartedly want to say yes to everything.3.This is part of communicating effectively.

Respect differences between people. Accepting the fact that people are different from you, and that doesn't make them wrong, is part of having a positive attitude. The difference may be in terms of behavior, culture, or opinion. These differences are not only okay.4.

Keep it short.5.And one of the best ways to get along with difficult people is not to spend any more time with them than necessary. You arc less likely to have a conflict with them if you spend less time with them.

A. Develop a positive outlook.

B. They make life more interesting.

C. Find out before you judge them for yourself.

D. But there are ways to say no without being mean.

E. Some people are a lot harder to get along with than others.

F. Yet sometimes we have to get along with people whether we like them or not

G. When you have to interact with difficult people, do your best to keep it fact-based

