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“A public-speaking competition will be held next Monday. Each student will give a two-minute speech,” Mr. Taylor said.

The idea of _____ in front of the class made me _____. On the bus home, I asked Tanya, “What will I give a speech about?”

“I don’t know. What can you ______ for two minutes?” she said.

“______!” I said. “All I’ll be able to _____ is my shaky legs and voice!”

I tried thinking and thinking. Maybe ...

“Yes!” I said. “I’ll talk about how scared I am of public speaking.”

For the whole ____, I felt nervous and worried. I wished for road-closing snow and I even ____ flying to South America.

The day came. It hadn’t ______, and I hadn’t gone on vacation. Fifty students went into the hall.

“Andrew Addison.” My name was called.

I stood up. I begged my legs to stop shaking but they didn’t _____.

“He-ll-o,” I said. Someone laughed quietly.

I _____ again, “Hello.”

Better — _____ I still sounded like a scared dog.

I looked at my notes but they were unclear in my hands. No _____ there. What was my first line? I closed my eyes.

Yes! That was it. “I _____ public speaking,” I said. Some laughed.

“My hands shake.” Another _____. I showed the _____ my shaking legs. Everyone laughed. I looked at Tanya and she gave me a big smile. My speech flooded back to me. My knees settled and my hands _____.

“Many people feel like ____ when they have to give a speech,” I stopped for a second. “But I guess I’m the only one who _____ bought a ticket to Brazil.” I was on a roll and my two minutes _____.

Laughter and clapping floated around me _____ I finished my speech. I had given my audience an excellent speech.

1.A.singing B.dancing C.speaking D.writing

2.A.excited B.frightened C.interested D.bored

3.A.talk about B.learn of C.find out D.wait for

4.A.Anything B.Everything C.Something D.Nothing

5.A.give away B.think about C.get into D.work out

6.A.morning B.week C.month D.year

7.A.considered B.risked C.enjoyed D.missed

8.A.rained B.cleared C.snowed D.blown

9.A.decide B.feel C.understand D.listen

10.A.failed B.tried C.cried D.moved

11.A.but B.or C.because D.so

12.A.time B.luck C.help D.money

13.A.regret B.choose C.forget D.hate

14.A.laugh B.joke C.game D.example

15.A.teachers B.students C.doctor D.audience

16.A.shook B.relaxed C.closed D.hurt

17.A.dreaming B.preparing C.disappearing D.celebrating

18.A.even B.almost C.also D.still

19.A.flew B.stopped C.started D.grew

20.A.since B.for C.as D.if

