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You’re enjoying a quiet evening at home when suddenly your neighbor's dog starts barking(吠叫)and doesn’t stop. Sure, dogs need to bark every now and then, but if the barking is getting in the way of your daily life, you need to do something.

Before you take action, make records of when the dog is disturbing. Record the dates and times when the barking appears to find out the features of the barking. Check them carefully and get your facts straight. You might notice the barking only happens when the owners are at work, or during thunderstorms.

After two to three weeks, visit your neighbors with the facts, your neighbors might not even realize the barking is a problem, for the worst noise may happen when they are gone.

Explain the times when the barking gets bad, then suggest a way to solve the problem. Ask if the dog can stay inside during storm, or suggest a dog training class. Be open to compromise(妥协)because the owners might have other ideas about how to deal with the noise.

Befriending the dog could help. Have your neighbors introduce you to their dog. If they become more comfortable in your presence, they're less likely to bark when they see you or when they are in the backyard. You might even be able to use commands such as “quiet” once the dog trusts you.

Avoid gossiping(流言輩语)with other neighbors about the dog. “That’s when things escalate.” After all, most people will want to solve the problem.

1.What can you do first when your neighbor’s dogs barking influences your life?

A.Bring the dog to a training class.

B.Drive it out of your neighborhood.

C.Record the dates and times of the barking.

D.Show your complaint to your neighborhood.

2.Why are your neighbors less likely to realize the barking problem?

A.They may like dogs barking.

B.They all think their dogs are friendly.

C.They have been used to the barking of the dogs.

D.They may be out when the worst barking happens.

3.What does the underlined word "escalate" in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Become better. B.Become worse.

C.Remain unchanged. D.Become more personal.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Love me, love my dog. B.Barking dogs seldom bite.

C.Good communication is a must. D.Treat violence with violence.

