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How to cope when you feel left out

Being left out by a group of friends is painful at any age. To cope with being left out, there are several things that you can do.

Understand why being left out hurts. Feeling left out is usually the result of being rejected by a group of people that you want to accept you. You may feel left out because you have been rejected by a group of friends. 1. We are social beings and when our needs are not met, we experience pain and sadness.

2.Being left out can cause you to feel sad and get down on yourself. Using positive self-talk can help you feel better after being rejected. After being left out,say something encouraging to yourself.

Consider telling someone about what happened. 3.It may also help to reassure(使…放心)you that even though your friends made you feel left out, people do care about you.

Talk to your friends about your feelings. Another very important means for dealing with situations in which you feel left out by your friends is to tell them how you feel and ask them about their reasons for leaving you out.4.

Organize things to do with your friends.If you think that part of being left out may be due to your own situation, then help your friends by making suggestions that fit in with your timetable.5.If your friends refuse your suggestions several times,then they might not want to continue the friendship.

A. Make others feel included.

B. Telling a supportive friend may help you feel better.

C. It is not painful to be rejected by groups we don’t like.

D. Use positive self-talk to encourage yourself after a rejection.

E. Do your best to make plans with your friends, but know when to stop asking.

F. And it’s also important to ask your friends politely why the situation happened as it did.

G. It is normal to feel pain when you are rejected because we are all in need of social belonging.

