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A team of engineers at Harvard University has been inspired by Nature to create the first robotic fly. The mechanical fly has become a platform for a series of new high-tech systems. Designed to do what a fly does naturally, the tiny machine is the size of a fat housefly. Its mini wings allow it to stay in the air and perform controlled flight tasks.

“It’s extremely important for us to think about this as a whole system and not just a bunch of individual components (零件),” said Robert Wood, the Harvard engineering professor who has been working on the robotic fly project for over a decade. “The added difficulty with such a project is that actually none of those components are off the shelf and so we have to make them all on our own,” he said.

They engineered a series of systems to start and drive the robotic fly. “The seemingly simple system which just moves the wings has a number of individual components, each of which individually has to perform well, and then has to be matched well to everything it’s connected to,” said Wood. The flight device was built into a set of power, computation, sensing and control systems. Wood says the success of the project proves that the flying robot with these tiny components can be built and manufactured.

Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control at insect- scale. Yet, the power, sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications (应用). “You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions, you know, to study biology in ways that would be difficult with the animals, but using these robots instead,” he said. “So there are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives us on a day to day basis.”

1.What challenge did the engineers have when making the robotic fly?

A. They don’t have enough related knowledge.

B. They are lack of ready-made components.

C. The system is too complex to work.

D. They fail to control all the components.

2.What does the success of the robotic fly prove?

A. Scientists are able to make tiny flying machines.

B. Humans will create a new kind of species for the nature.

C. The flight device will not need so many components.

D. It will help to kill dangerous insects in the nature.

3.What does Wood hope to do with the flying device?

A. To fix the system on other animals.

B. To put it to the market for money.

C. To solve more scientific problems.

D. To encourage people to learn biology.

4.How does Wood feel about the application of the robotic fly?

A. Worried   B. Curious.

C. Doubtful.   D. Confident.

