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As Christensen and her daughter Riley were scanning the home page of the Bike Rack, a shop in their town, a video link for Project Mobility_________their eyes.She clicked on it out of _________.The video told how Bike Rack co-owner Hal Honeyman had created a( n)_________to provide bicycles that are _________engineered for people with disabilities. It showed the happy faces of those who were now riding them—accident victims, _________veterans (老兵), and children with disabilities.

“I'm going to buy a bike for one of those kids”, Riley told her mother. Two days later, she showed Christensen a _________she had written asking for donations: "I think it's amazing to_________bikes for kids who can’t walk,” the letter said. I saw how happy a boy was when he got one...I'm writing to ask for your _______.”

Christensen was blown away by her daughter's effort, but doubts quickly_________.The cost of just one of those special bikes could be as__________________ as $4,000. Riley could never raise the money.__________________, her letter went out to 75 relatives and friends.Within three days, checks and cash began __________________.Then word about Riley's plan __________________and as Christmas neared, more and more__________________rolled in.The teen__________________raised more than $12,000, enough to pay for three bikes.

Last Christmas Eve, Riley pulled on a Santa hat and __________________the bicycle to one of the__________________kids: Ava, a 13-year-old girl, who couldn't move her legs with a rare genetic disorder. “This is the best Christmas I ever had,” said Riley.

She and Ava have since__________________ together. “When I ride, I like to go fast, get sweaty and feel the breeze”, Riley says."So does Ava. She pumps with her arms, not her __________________but she really flies .”

Riley is determined to keep her__________________going every holiday season. “I want kids to feel the wind in their faces,” she says.

1.A.caught B.shaded C.narrowed D.dried

2.A.delight B.curiosity C.suspicion D.safety

3.A.academy B.organization C.job D.custom

4.A.specially B.beautifully C.roughly D.simply

5.A.senior B.retired C.proud D.injured

6.A.notice B.statement C.reply D.letter

7.A.repair B.ride C.rent D.buy

8.A.patience B.appeal C.contribution D.faith

9.A.arose B.cleared C.faded D.changed

10.A.reasonable B.high C.actual D.fixed

11.A.Anyhow B.Otherwise C.Thus D.Besides

12.A.disappearing B.forming C.arriving D.returning

13.A.got around B.went down C.broke out D.ran away

14.A.gifts B.donations C.kids D.wishes

15.A.greedily B.cautiously C.hardly D.eventually

16.A.delivered B.purchased C.mailed D.designed

17.A.normal B.lucky C.wealthy D.confident

18.A.lived B.ridden C.studied D.worked

19.A.feet B.heart C.back D.knees

20.A.bike B.campaign C.wish D.present

