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As you know, it is a different experience being around positive people and negative ones.1.

1. Failure is part of learning.

Positive people view failure as an opportunity to learn and get better. They understand that failure is an event, and doesn't define who they are. Negative people are easily defeated by failure. They fail to understand that its part of the learning and growing process.


Positive people love to be challenged. They understand that there is no growth without struggle. Positive people embrace difficulty and actively look for ways to overcome difficulty. Negative people love the easy road.3.To negative people, hard times don't make you, they break you.

3. I still have a lot to learn.

4.They understand information that used to work 10-years ago might not be effective today. Negative people believe they know it all, and are less likely to welcome new information. They care less about what’s right, and more about who's right.

4. I am my own worst enemy or best friend.

Positive people have effective self talk and don't allow their own thoughts to discourage them. Additionally, they are realistic with their expectations. Positive people don't feed themselves lies about their weaknesses or how difficult the situation is. Instead, they tell themselves what they need to do to succeed. Negative people are their own worst enemy. 5.

A. They focus on all the negative aspects and lose their own confidence.

B. Negative people don't try to change.

C. Positive people love to learn and make progress.

D. I can do hard things.

E. They try to avoid trouble.

F. I give power to what I focus on.

G. If you are trying to be more positive yourself, here are some ways you can do so.

