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My father was a Jamaican(牙买加) immigrant while my mother was a white woman. They never got married but I was born. However, my father never _______ his family about my existence. Whatever the case, I didn’t know I was a _______ until my thirteenth birthday.

Walking into my aunt’s apartment brought a lot of emotions. What if my _______ didn’t want anything to do with me because I was half white? How _______ can I learn the jokes that my family members told? Should I _______ them for all the years they didn’t spend with me? My mind was full of thoughts when I was _______ to everyone, trying desperately to understand family members who almost were _______ strangers. Meanwhile, I was _______ to just remember everybody’s name.

One of my aunts, who’d been quiet for most of the morning looked at me with tearful eyes. She mentioned how _______ she was for my father to have a daughter, saying, “He’s always dreamt of having a daughter”. However, she then expressed her ________ towards my father for keeping the family in the ________ about me. From this ________, I have learned more about what it means to be biracial (代表两种人种的). Can I still ________ myself Jamaican even though my first time trying curry goat, a traditional dish, was not until my teenage years?

I’ve become aware that no matter how much DNA you might ________ with a particular race, you won’t feel truly connected if you did not ________ with that culture’s customs. I believe this event has ________ me into becoming a more understanding person when analyzing someone’s actions. I have realized that I am far from a ________. I am determined to prove that I’m here for a reason by using my talents to ________ those around me. I have grown to not ________ on my parents and families to tell me who I am, but I have understood my uniqueness and ________ my real self. I really feel proud that among strangers I eventually know who I am!

1.A.told B.said C.talked D.spoke

2.A.success B.secret C.failure D.burden

3.A.father B.mother C.family D.aunt

4.A.often B.badly C.quickly D.strangely

5.A.praise B.blame C.miss D.invite

6.A.offered B.devoted C.delivered D.introduced

7.A.complete B.strict C.kind D.helpful

8.A.pretending B.struggling C.competing D.cheering

9.A.nervous B.shameful C.embarrassed D.happy

10.A.anxiety B.anger C.excitement D.enthusiasm

11.A.hope B.regret C.dark D.future

12.A.accident B.program C.coincidence D.experience

13.A.consider B.imagine C.leave D.teach

14.A.share B.replace C.deposit D.exchange

15.A.pick up B.take up C.grow up D.make up

16.A.frightened B.cheated C.tricked D.turned

17.A.mistake B.master C.milestone D.miracle

18.A.tolerate B.dismiss C.hate D.benefit

19.A.agreeing B.relying C.working D.passing

20.A.protected B.saved C.found D.forgiven

