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Smartphones store a lot of personal data. These devices know our names,the names of our friends,our addresses and where we are right now.1. A weather app needs to know where a person is to report the local forecast,for example.

Many smartphone apps don't cost anything to download and use.But don't be fooled. There's still a price. 2. Those same apps may often send data on to advertisers as well.Those advertisers will pay well to know how people behave and live.Once your data leave a device,you can't get them back. And that data theft may not be harmless. Moreover,those data may tell when someone leaves home and when he gets back. 3. Social media sites often have access to a user's images and posts.

Recently a new online tool has been developed to track the misuse of private data.4. It tells people when their apps are sending data,which can help spot the misuse. SPEProxy identifies the misuse of data using an approach that has already been used to diagnose illnesses.

In the clinical field,a kind of medical software is used to collect data from a patient. Then it compares them to those symptoms of many possible illnesses to make a diagnosis.

Right now,people can only track data with the new tool by going to a website.5. It's also a bit awkward to use.People may not want to go to the trouble of getting online to track their data. A more convenient version that people could install on their phones is in urgent need.

A.It is called SPEProxy.

B.That means it's limited.

C. It is more than convenient to use in computers.

D.Your privacy is what's paying for it.

E.Some apps use those data to do their job.

F.Some apps may charge you much money to operate.

G.They can show how and where people spend their days.

