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By the summer of 2005,the Reverend (牧师) Richard Joyner of Conetoe Chapel Missionary Baptist Church realized he was hosting funerals (葬礼) twice a month—a surprising number for his town's tiny population. In this African American town,a quarter of families live an extremely poor life and heart disease kills more 20­ to 39­year­olds than car accidents do.

Joyner decided to do something about it. Driving home one day,he pulled over and thought that maybe he'd get further with his eyes open. He looked around,and all he saw was farmland. It gave him an idea:Get the kids to take part in it.

Joyner ran a youth camp,so that summer,he showed the campers how to grow their own food on the small land. The kids,4 to 16 years old,ate up the vegetables they had grown,and the following year,they gave free boxes of vegetables to the old people in the town.

Not everyone welcomed the idea. Some church elders questioned whether it was wise to let kids take part in agrarian pursuit (农业工作). But Joyner saw it differently. “The kids are bringing food to people who need it. They enjoy what they're doing,” he said. At the same time,it improved the health of the community by providing healthy foods.

Today,because of Joyner,that small land has changed into the 21­acre Conetoe Family Life Center. The local hospital,schools and restaurants help the center by buying its salad greens,peppers,strawberries,and other food for people. Research from East Carolina University found that people in Conetoe have lost weight,lowered their blood pressure,and visited the hospital less frequently because of the fresh food and health advice available at the center.

1.What do we know about the town where Joyner lives?

A.It develops very slowly. B.There are not enough churches.

C.Many young people die from accidents. D.People are too poor to live a healthy life.

2.Why did Joyner decide to grow food on the small land?

A.To provide food for kids. B.To teach kids how to plant.

C.To lower the number of deaths. D.To make full use of the small land.

3.What did some church elders think of Joyner's idea?

A.They were doubtful about it. B.They weren't interested in it.

C.They strongly disagreed with it. D.They thought it did harm to kids.

4.What's the result of what Joyner has done?

A.It's unusual. B.It's successful.

C.It's unexpected. D.It's unbelievable.

