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Enlightenment (启迪)can show up in some pretty strange ways. The Buddha found it under a Boddhi tree ____ Nelson Mandela in prison. Little did I know, mine would ____ in the form of a hard-shelled animal trying to ____ the road — a turtle. But this wasn't just any turtle ; this was the world's most _____ one. He determined to cross twenty feet of tar (柏油)road as cars drove past quickly.

But today was his ____ day. My wife's quick driving reflexes (反应)not only ____ that 'turtle soup” would not be for dinner that night, but her act of kindness would ___ become the foundation for everything I teach today. As unusual as this sounds, the simple act of ______ our car, removing this little turtle from harm's way, and placing him back into the _____, caused something extraordinary to happen inside of me.

As I stood there ____ this tiny creature in my hands, a wave of pure ____ came over me. It was that warm, teary-eyed ____ that we feel during life's greatest moments, like falling in love or the birth of a child. I honestly felt as if my heart was ____ opening up as everything stood still around me.

______would I have described it as “enlightenment”, but there was no ____about it — helping this little turtle just felt so good!

But why?_____ , it's just a turtle, right? And then it hit me. I finally realized what was happening. At that point, a flood of inspiring thoughts ran through me. I walked back to the car, opened my journal and wrote eight words that would ____ prove to be life changing for me: " kindness creates happiness" and live a _____ of kindness".'

It was the ____ I had been looking for. The secret to inner peace and _____ happiness was kindness.

1.A.for B.and C.that D.so

2.A.leave B.return C.arrive D.combine

3.A.fix B.climb C.stop D.cross

4.A.optimistic B.weak C.pessimistic D.stressful

5.A.bad B.lucky C.boring D.dangerous

6.A.ensured B.kept C.accessed D.admitted

7.A.initially B.interestingly C.eventually D.hopefully

8.A.setting off B.breaking down C.passing by D.pulling over

9.A.tree B.park C.wild D.road

10.A.holding B.showing C.refreshing D.frightening

11.A.entertainment B.delight C.amusement D.movement

12.A.cooperation B.feeling C.connection D.adventure

13.A.completely B.complicatedly C.irregularly D.inevitably

14.A.In this way B.By the way C.In no way D.In the way

15.A.problem B.use C.answer D.doubt

16.A.Above all B.In conclusion C.After all D.In brief

17.A.latter B.latest C.lately D.later

18.A.living B.life C.way D.method

19.A.answer B.entrance C.attention D.approach

20.A.temporary B.desperate C.discontinuous D.lasting

