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Procrastination (拖延症) is a common phenomenon in daily life. However, it has terrible effects. It can affect the quality of your work, or lead you to miss deadlines. 1.

The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to overcome this bad habit. First, it’s important to recognize when you’re procrastinating. Most people know when they’re putting things off, but there are several signs you can watch out for. 2.Perhaps you sit down to work on a high-priority project, and then immediately take a coffee break. Everyone’s different, so pay attention to when you put off a task or project.

3.Are you overwhelmed (压垮) by the task? Are you disorganized and just don’t want to get started? Or, are you a perfectionist and don’t think you have enough knowledge or skills to begin?

Once you understand why you’re procrastinating, come up with some strategies to overcome it. If you’re not motivated to get started, think about all of the unpleasant consequences of not completing this task. If you’re procrastinating because of disorganization, you can make a to-do list. 4.Or if you’re procrastinating because of perfectionism, ask yourself how perfect the work actually has to be.

And don’t forget to reward yourself. For example, have a cup of coffee once you’ve completed a task that you’ve been putting off. 5. Remember, it can take a while to overcome a bad habit and establish a new routine, so don’t give up.

A.Besides, it also has many benefits.

B.Even worse, it can damage your reputation.

C.Second, it’s wise to do the overwhelming tasks.

D.This will help you know which tasks you should do first.

E.The next step is to think about why you’re procrastinating.

F.You’ll realize how good it feels when you actually finish things.

G.For instance, you might spend much time working on low-priority tasks.

