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Most children acquire the same eye color or a similar shaped nose from their parents. ___, I’ve got much more: a love for  ____and an insatiable (无法满足的) curiosity which has  ____me well throughout my academic career. My father, an electrical engineer, taught me to ___the world with a curious mind,  ____seeking to learn more. I watched him for hours as he worked on diagrams at home, ___what all the various symbols and line meant. I was  ___by technology and wanted to know how and why things worked the way they did.

“How does this toaster work?” “What’s inside this camera?” I was never ___with the simplified answers that my parents gave to these questions. So I discovered many  ____for myself by exploring and experimenting.

My mother, a first grade teacher, noticed my curiosity and ___my childhood explorations. She gave me piles of mind-opening children’s books, which I   ____read.

I was given a remarkable amount of   _____at a young age. When I was 8, my parents   _____an old computer with the   _____of letting me loose on it. I was   ____. Motivated (激励) by curiosity, I ____it at once and learned how to use the computer’s operating system. With my father’s help and an old programming book by my side, I even  ____simple video games for my younger brother to play.

My parents also taught me to be  ___and self-motivated by providing opportunities for me to learn by trial and error.

I hope to  ___applying what I’ve learned from my parents to all aspects of my life, exploring the world around me. It's part of who I am, and what  _____me to become successful and happy.

1.A.Instead B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However

2.A.cooking B.learning C.gardening D.cycling

3.A.served B.known C.defended D.wished

4.A.change B.protect C.explore D.control

5.A.suddenly B.possibly C.recently D.constantly

6.A.forgetting B.believing C.wondering D.regretting

7.A.attracted B.supported C.threatened D.adopted

8.A.familiar B.satisfied C.concerned D.careful

9.A.tasks B.examples C.answers D.differences

10.A.received B.introduced C.remembered D.encouraged

11.A.willingly B.previously C.rarely D.lately

12.A.advice B.honor C.freedom D.attention

13.A.bought B.returned C.saw D.wanted

14.A.help B.intention C.power D.discovery

15.A.ashamed B.confused C.annoyed D.thrilled

16.A.shared B.studied C.spotted D.stopped

17.A.created B.played C.reported D.discussed

18.A.ordinary B.non-violent C.independent D.grateful

19.A.suggest B.continue C.admit D.imagine

20.A.warns B.considers C.invites D.drives

