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1.Social stresses may occur because of the population explosion or problems __________ __________(由…引起) mass migration movements which are made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.

2.Is there any possibility of the film ________ _________ ________(参加选拔)in Paris International Festival?

3.__________ __________(入迷,沉浸) playing online games, the boy almost forgot everything,which made her parents very angry and disappointed.

4.___________ ___________ _____________(在任何情况下都不)should we seek temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and resources.

5.It is believed that a job interview___________ ___________ __________(有利于) both  the interviewer and the interviewee, through which the interviewer can find a suitable person and the interviewee can find a suitable job if both of them make the best of the job interview.

6.As China is the second-largest economy ________over 30 percent _________(有助于,促 进) global growth since 2008, policies(政策) made in the 19th CPC’s National Congress concerned the world.

7.There are many flights to Dalian, and the city has connections with most large cities in China,  but you need to ________ _________ ________ (预定)a week in advance before you go.

8.It was late in an autumn night when the moon had ________ ________(消失) while the sun was still beneath the horizon, leaving a dark blue sky to be seen.

