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Experts say that, among young Internet users, it’s not boys who create most web content. The pioneers of the Internet at the moment are the girls.

According to Jenny Baker, whose hobbies are designing icons(图示), most boys just aren’t patient enough for blogging, uploading photographs, and creating their own websites. Jenny posts her pictures on her own website, and believes that most boys don’t often have their own sites. She thinks it’s mainly girls.

And Jenny is right. A study shows that, among Internet users aged 12 to 17, a lot more girls blog than boys (35 percent of girls compared with 20 percent of boys). A lot more girls also work on their web pages (32 percent of girls compared with 22 percent of boys). Girls are also ahead of boys in working on websites for other people.

Some girls have their own teenage podcasts(播客)which have become very successful and sometimes the creators have their own TV shows too. When asked what they think about the study that shows girls are more active on the web, they say that they’re not surprised because girls are very creative, and sometimes more creative than boys.

Other girl have started interactive(交流的)e-zines with articles written for girls by girls. “Girls from everywhere read our articles, and they ask lots of questions,” they say. “I think girls like to help other people more.” One expert said: “If boys were more interested in helping other people, the numbers would be different.”

But if girls are more interested in computers, why do women only have 27 percent of computer-related jobs? Maybe this will change in the future—after all, girls like these will be in the job market before too long.

1.Why does Jenny think boys don’t create web content?

A. They are impatient.   B. They don’t have their own sites.

C. They are busy with their hobbies.   D. They know little about web science.

2.What does the study show?

A. Girls prefer working on websites to blogging.

B. Girls watch more online TV shows than boys.

C. Girls spend most of their online time helping others.

D. Girls are more active in creating their own web business than boys.

3.What is the author’s opinion on the number of women in computer-related jobs?

A. Upset.   B. Worried.

C. Hopeful.   D. Satisfied.

4.What will probably happen in the future according to the author?

A. Girls will never match boys in computer science.

B. Boys will be more successful in making websites.

C. Less boys will like to read articles written by girls.

D. More and more girls will do computer-related jobs.

