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America’s first transcontinental railroad, completed 150 years ago today at Promontory Summit in Utah, connected the vast United States and brought America into the modern age. Chinese immigrants contributed greatly to this notable achievement, but the historical accounts that followed often ignored their role.

Between 1863 and 1869, as many as 20,000 Chinese workers helped build the dangerous western part of the railroad, a winding ribbon of track known as the Central Pacific. At first, the Central Pacific Railroad’s directors wanted a whites-only workforce. When not enough white men signed up, the railroad began hiring Chinese men for the backbreaking labor. Company leaders were skeptical of the new recruits’ ability to do the work, but they proved themselves not only capable but even superior to the other workers.

Chinese workers cut through dense forests, filled deep narrow steep-sided valley, constructed long trestles(高架桥) and built enormous retaining walls(防护墙) -- some of which remain complete and undamaged today. All work was done by hand using carts, shovels and picks but no machinery. However, progress came at great cost: an estimated 1,200 Chinese laborers died along the Central Pacific route.

Despite these facts, Chinese workers were often left out of the official story because of their identity of foreigners. On the transcontinental railroad's 100th birthday, the Chinese workers were still not honored. It was another fifty years later that their role was gradually highlighted. To celebrate the railroad’s 150th anniversary in 2019, the California assembly passed a resolution in 2017 to recognize and honor the Chinese railroad workers by designating May 10, 2017, and every May 10 thereafter, as California Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial Day.

1.What might be the best title for the text?

A.The Birth of the Central Pacific Cost Dearly

B.May 10--A Special Day for Chinese Immigrants

C.Chinese Workers’ Contributions Gained Recognition

D.The 150th anniversary of the Central Pacific Railroad

2.What does “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Chinese laborers. B.White workers.

C.Company leaders. D.Railroad directors.

3.Why does the author make such detailed descriptions in Paragraph 3?

A.To prove Chinese workers’ superior skills.

B.To stress the danger and difficulty of the work.

C.To describe the grand scenery along the railroad.

D.To show notable achievements made by Chinese workers.

4.What does the text intend to tell us?

A.None so blind as those who won’t see. B.No pains, no gains.

C.Truth will come to light sooner or later. D.Doing is better than saying.

