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Wanting to be more responsible is admirable. Being responsible can seem hard at first, but if you keep at it, it will become second nature to you!

1. But to show that you can care for yourself and others, you need to do things before you’re asked. That shows you are responsible enough to see what needs to be done and take care of it. When you have a family, friends, or pets, being responsible may mean placing their needs above your own. 2. But it does mean you may need to take care of yourself later if someone you love has a need right now.

Being consistent is of great importance. 3. If you want to be responsible, then you have to find a routine that works for you and stick to it. For instance, don’t just study for ten hours in a row and then give up on studying for three weeks; instead, spend one hour every day looking over the course material.

In daily life, problems come up in any relationship. 4. A responsible person looks for solutions instead of trying to decide whose fault it is. Similarly, don’t attack someone instead of dealing with the issue and you should take time to think your words through. 5. If you find it difficult to control what you’re saying, try counting to ten in your head as you take deep breaths.

A.Don’t let your anger get the better of you.

B.That doesn’t mean you don’t take care of yourself.

C.Doing just the things you are asked to do is responsible.

D.Your responsibility won’t mean much if it is hit or miss.

E.Instead of blaming the other person, try to find a way to solve them.

F.Where you show you’re responsible is when you can say you made a mistake.

G.Staying consistent also means keeping your word you make to yourself and others.

