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When you go to a foreign country, you often enter a new culture. The differences between cultures may make you feel stressed and you often find it difficult to adjust to the new surroundings, which is usually called “culture shock”.

The psychological and physical symptoms of culture shock may appear depending on the individuals. Some often feel anxious while adjusting to a new culture—even more so when the cultural distances are wide. 1. They remain to homesick and feel so sad about being separated from their friends back home that they long to return, especially within the first year.

2.People adjusting to a new culture often feel lonely because the language barrier makes it hard to create new relationships. Furthermore, having trouble with the native language often makes them unwilling to interact with other people.

3. You may do some research on the cultural aspects of the new country such as the history, customs, and religious beliefs, rather than on what to see and where to go, so you may get prepared for a culture that is different from yours. Studying the language is also a great way to help bridge the gap between the cultures. 4.

A local club provides the perfect environment to get to know people who have a similar focus, so join one so that you can meet some locals and develop new friendships. 5. There are other travelers who have the same experiences in a foreign country. Talk with them, sharing feelings, tips and insight.

A.They may lose appetite and have sleep problems.

B.Still, the most important change is communication.

C.They make a lot of effort to get used to the new surroundings.

D.The more of it is understood, the more of the new culture can be understood.

E.Learning about your future destination is a great way to get over culture shock.

F.Plus, remember that you aren’t alone in your struggle to adjust in a new country.

G.Actually, staying in a foreign country helps you to know more of the new culture.

