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Eliza worked in an office with twenty other people, and she liked her job. Getting ahead in her career wasn’t      to her. But she suddenly changed       the promotion of her friend and co-worker Betty who couldn’t have gotten the         if Eliza had tried to. In the eyes of the other co-workers Betty was         cheerful, hardworking and ambitious, while Eliza had been low-key and easygoing.

Before Betty got the promotion, Eliza had been satisfied with her        , even if she had not been         happy. But once Betty was made head, Eliza began to fill up with resentment(怨恨)and she disliked her job and      Betty. Finally she developed a big mistake     she was filled with anger all the time. Eliza began to see Betty as the source of all her problems, and she      to remember that she had not particularly wanted the promotion anyway. Now she just thought that it should be hers. Instead of      herself to see what her real goal was in the life, she tried to     how to trap Betty and regarded Betty as her enemy. Eliza became________focused on her resentment, and she couldn’t get out of the      situation.

One of the major problems with resentment is that you ________ that your anger is completely caused by others. You ________  looking for what you can do to improve your situation, because you are sure that your   ________ feelings are the result of someone else’s fault. You give up trying to find real ________ to solve your problem. Dealing with resentment needs ________  . Because of that, you are able to have a clear mind so that you can admit you are feeling resentful. Then try hard to force yourself ________ready to be less resentful. You believe you are to blame for resentment, and you actively look for the way that can ________ the problem in your life.

1.A. important  B. ordinary  C. simple    D. challenging

2.A. during       B. before     C. after    D. until

3.A. agreement   B. chance     C. prize      D. business

4.A. always      B. sometimes   C. seldom     D. never

5.A. partner     B. work      C. teammates  D. leader

6.A. mainly      B. perfectly   C. exactly     D. extremely

7.A. supported   B. disclosed   C. hated     D. forced

8.A. because     B. if       C. but        D. while

9.A. decided     B. started   C. managed     D. failed

10.A. noticing   B. ensuring   C. persuading  D. warning

11.A. get at     B. deal with   C. figure out  D. make up

12.A. partly     B. completely C. finally     D. usually

13.A. strange   B. boring     C. funny      D. dangerous

14.A. doubt      B. analyze     C. believe    D. find

15.A. mind      B. stop      C. enjoy      D. keep

16.A. negative   B. inspiring C. childish    D. social

17.A. details   B. effects   C. solutions D. causes

18.A. freedom   B. calmness   C. experiment  D. courage

19.A. luckily   B. hurriedly   C. strongly    D. truly

20.A. solve      B. avoid      C. predict     D. face

