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Running is the best way to get fit.

There’s no best method to get fit. You have to enjoy your exercise or you will find reasons to quit. Nobody can get fit or lose weight or build a muscle in an instant. Fitness requires time and patience, and you get rewards as you go along. If you are looking only at running or at instant success, you are looking for trouble!

If you don’t exercise an hour a day, six days a week, you do nothing.

Don’t believe in this all-or-nothing way. Even if you exercise as little as three times a week for half an hour you will benefit from it. However, if you want to get fit for sport, you may have to work out five to six days a week.

Warming up before working out isn’t necessary if you’re careful.

Warming up is a must before you exercise. Warming up and stretching not only help you avoid injuries but also prepare your heart and body to accept the shock of an increased workload.

No pain, no gain.

Pain means that the body is showing that there is something wrong. If you feel painful when exercising, either slow down or stop the exercise. To gain from exercise, you may have to make do with a bit of discomfort, but pain is different. If you continue exercising with pain you may damage a muscle or tendon forever.

Taping (用绷带包扎) an injury prevents further damage.

If you are injured and you tape it for support, chances are that you will aggravate the injury further. What’s more, you may injure other joints because of the limited flexibility (灵活性) that the taped knee or ankle allows.

1.The underlined sentence in the text may suggest _____________.

A.getting fit quickly may cause trouble for you

B.you will be in trouble if running

C.you can’t expect to get fit at once

D.running can make you get fit immediately

2.According to the text, you should _________ to take exercise.

A.take sports five to six days a week

B.do the warm-up first

C.suffer a lot of pain

D.tape an injury to prevent further damage

3.You should stop exercising after __________.

A.you feel painful somewhere in your body

B.you feel a bit uncomfortable physically

C.you feel warm when taking exercise

D.you exercise an hour a day

