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You know that thrill you get when listening to your favorite music or that exciting feeling down your spine (脊柱) when you hear your favorite melody or rhythm? According to a recent study, it seems the same thing can happen while you are reading, but not with every kind of text. This opens up fascinating questions around how music, reading and emotions are connected in the brain.

“We decided we would do a comparison between four or five different kinds of texts to see how the brain responded,” explains Professor Adam Zeman, a neurologist. “The participants lay in an MRI scanner reading the texts, and then we compared brain activity for those five texts.” The texts ranged from deadly boring ones to highly exciting ones, including the Highway Code, passages from novels and poems.

As the researchers observed, participants found some texts more emotional than others. When they read these emotional texts, there was higher activity in brain areas associated with pleasure and reward — the same areas related to the thrill we get when we listen to music. As Zeman says, “It was a nice proof that the emotional response to literature and to music has quite a bit in common.”

When the participants were reading poems, the team found there was more activity in a particular group of brain areas called the Default Network. "These areas seem to be associated with things we do with our minds when we are resting, like thinking about what's happened to us recently, thinking about what’s going to happen in the near future, about other people, and that network seems to be more strongly associated with poetry than with prose” explains Zeman. The study shows that the different texts activate different areas of our brains when we read.

1.What can we know from the study?

A.People may feel excited when reading poems. B.People aren’t thrilled when listening to music.

C.Music gives participants more pleasure than text. D.Deadly boring texts never excite the brain.

2.What is the purpose of the comparison between different kinds of texts?

A.To thrill the participants. B.To scan the participants’ brain.

C.To check the response of human's brain. D.To teach the participants novels and poems.

3.What happened in the participants’ brains when they were reading?

A.Their brains preferred music.

B.Brain areas related to pleasure became more active.

C.Their emotional response to literature stopped.

D.Their brains were less emotional when reading the emotional text.

4.Where is the text probably from?

A.A science magazine. B.A film review.

C.An advertisement. D.A science fiction.

