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Mama was calling me.I awoke,realizing it must be nearly midnight.Her expression was ___”Mary,”she said,”where’s your homework?”Then I remembered I had not finished my assignment.”Well,your studies come ___!You’d better finish your work,” she said.I____myself out of bed.As I did so,I could not help feeling __.Why me? Those feelings were nothing new,but I did not give ___to them.I didn’t argue with Mama.I just obeyed.

One day my older sister Ann and I walked barefoot(赤脚地)to school because our shoes had been worn out and Mama couldn’t afford to buy us shoes.The headmaster asked us to go home,for he couldn’t have students attending school barefoot.I suggested to Ann that we spend the day in a nearby cornfield___.Just about the time school was over we went home.There was Mama,waiting for us.I ___a story rather than upset her.Then she started crying.It was clear that she knew everything.She told us never to be __ of being poor.”It’s not what you wear but ___you are,”she said,”that matters.”

Mama’s toughness with me.always left me feeling as if I pleased her___ than her other children.However,the ___that I acquired have guided me for many years.I have come to ___the value of Mama’s demands.Still,one question continued to __ me for more than 30 years.Then one day I asked:”Mama,how come you were always so much __ on me than others?”She looked me straight in the eye and said:”I had to be harder on you because you had more gifts.”“I___,Mama.”At last I did.

1.A.severe B.strange C.polite D.rich

2.A.early B.last C.again D.first

3.A.pushed B.pulled C.dragged D.slipped

4.A.cautious B.embarrassed C.annoyed D.stupid

5.A.punishment B.feeling C.work D.voice

6.A.though B.instead C.still D.regardless

7.A.talked about B.heard of C.set down D.made up

8.A.proud B.aware C.ashamed D.fond

9.A.who B.why C.how D.where

10.A.rather B.less C.more D.other

11.A.strengths B.skills C.results D.rights

12.A.add B.judge C.respect D.appreciate

13.A.advise B.corner C.bother D.settle

14.A.tougher B.gentler C.easier D.heavier

15.A.quit B.understand C.promise D.remember

