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One night Robert was on his way home from the railway station. When he turned round a ______ he heard footsteps behind him and he thought ______ was coming near. He began to walk ______. The footsteps became faster, too. He slowed down. The footsteps also _____` down. Now he was ______ that he was being followed. He tried to hide. ______ the steps followed him. He didn’t know ______ to save himself, so he jumped over a fence and found  `_____ in a cemetery (墓地), throwing himself down on one of the tombs.

The man ______ followed. Robert could hear the man jump over ______. Thoughts of thieves or murderers filled his ______. Robert stood up and ______ the man who was _____` him. “What do you want?” he asked. “______ are you following me?”

“I say,” asked the stranger. “Do you ______ go home like this, ______ are you taking some special exercise ______? I want to go to the Mr. Brown’s and don’t know ______.” The station master told me to follow you as you ______ next door. ______ me for asking, but is there much to go before we get there?”

1.A. street   B. park   C. corner   D. away

2.A. no one   B. everyone   C. anyone   D. someone

3.A. faster   B. more slowly   C. fast   D. slowly

4.A. put   B. became   C. slowed   D. turned

5.A. sorry   B. glad   C. afraid   D. sure

6.A. Sometimes   B. Still   C. Often   D. Seldom

7.A. when   B. Where   C. how   D. why

8.A. him   B. the thief   C. the man   D. himself

9.A. ahead   B. behind   C. nearby   D. beside

10.A. a bridge   B. a wall   C. the yard   D. the fence

11.A. head   B. mind   C. heart   D. brain

12.A. hit   B. beat   C. faced   D. told

13.A. stealing   B. following   C. robbing   D. meeting

14.A. What   B. Why   C. How   D. When

15.A. never   B. always   C. hardly   D. seldom

16.A. and   B. so   C. or   D. but

17.A. tonight   B. at night   C. at the night   D. every night

18.A. him   B. the way   C. the house   D. the partner

19.A. work   B. play   C. study   D. live

20.A. Answer   B. Show   C. Tell   D. Excuse

