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Taking care of a sick loved one can put stress on your health. When taking care of other persons, you may ignore your own physical needs. You may find that your health is failing. If you fall ill, you won’t be able to help. 1..

Eat well. When things seem out of control, you may have no time to focus on good eating habits. You may not eat much; 2.. Both of those put stress on you. Try to eat as healthily as you can, even if sometimes you have to rely on simple meals like salads.

Try to get enough sleep. Sleep can also be difficult when you’re caring for a loved one. You may be too worried to sleep at times, 3.. Not getting enough sleep can make you less effective in the task. Therefore, try to get as much as you can.

Take time to exercise. Exercising will also help you keep healthy while you’re caring for a loved one. Exercise can reduce your stress level. 4.. So you’ll need to find ways to work it into your schedule. You can take a short walk a couple of times or do yoga at home.

5.. It can be easy to overlook the health problem in yourself when you’re caring for someone else. If you fall ill, that does not do anyone good. So it’s best to make sure you’re in good health.

A. or you may end up eating junk food

B. or the task may interrupt your sleep

C. Don’t ignore signs of illness in yourself

D. It can help you get recovered from illness

E. Therefore, it is important to take care of yourself

F. However, it can be difficult when you ‘re taking care of a loved one

G. The best plan is to visit the doctor regularly to make sure you’re in good health

