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Are you afraid of your weight? How to lose your weight? You may think eating less is the answer. 1.. The following tips do work.

♦ Eat breakfast everyday

2.. A survey found that men who eat breakfast weight about 2.7 kilograms less than men who skip it; women weight 4 kilograms less. And a 10-year study of almost 2,400 adolescent girls showed that those who ate any kind of breakfast had lower BMIs than girls who did not.


Eat a bowl of brown rice with chickpeas and vegetables for lunch. It’s likely you won’t want another bite until supper. High-fiber food like these have few calories. They are also low in little fat and lots of bulk, which keeps you full. They’re also digested slowly. It means your blood sugar stays at an even keel instead of rapidly falling.

♦ Eat raw, leafy green vegetables

4.. Greens and raw vegetables are remarkably low in calories. So they tend to fill you up. In a study of almost 18,000 people, researchers found that those ate salads often had higher level of vitamins C and B, which are important for overall health, than people who had fewer salads.

♦ Turn to fish, chicken and beans for protein

We’re not advising a high-protein diet, just that you make it a point to eat some protein with every meal. 5.. It also helps you lose fat, not muscle.

A. Eat healthy nuts

B. Eat high fiber foods

C. Head for the salad bar

D. But the usual way do not work

E. Getting enough protein when eating

F. Calcium may play a part in burning fat

G. Breakfast helps you reduce some calories

