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Animals can be reproduced by technology now; researchers can clone them. A clone is an exact copy of another animal or plant. Scientists have cloned a sheep which they have named Dolly. Researchers took genes from a ewe (母羊) and used them to create a copy (Dolly) of the ewe.

Why are scientists doing this research? One reason is to get information about genes so they can improve our health. They also want to learn how better farm animals can be produced. Cloning is a controversial issue for people. Some people think it is good because this research can help us, but other people think cloning is unacceptable. Some people think it might be possible to save endangered animals by cloning them. Tigers, elephants, and other endangered animals might be saved in this way.

In China, pandas are endangered because they are hunted and they are losing their habitat, so some Chinese scientists want to try to clone pandas to save them from extinction.

I don’t really like the idea of cloning animals, but I don’t think I want panda to become extinct. If the best way to save them is to make cloned pandas, they must be cloned.

I want to live with a lot of animals and nature. I don’t want animals to die out, especially pandas. I think humans must think more about protecting animals and nature. Maybe cloning is the way to save all endangered animals.

1.What is Dolly like?

A. It is like other ordinary sheep we often see.

B. It is a bit like the ewe.

C. It is exactly like the ewe researchers took genes from.

D. It is like a perfect sheep that researchers want to make.

2.What is the technology scientists use to clone animals?

A. They use the technology of animal improvement.

B. they take genes from an animal and use them to make a copy of it.

C. They change the genes of a ewe and then get them improved.

D. They combine advantages of some animals to make a better one.

3.By studying cloning, scientists can____.

A. make copies of many famous people in the world.

B. start a new industry where many more people may find jobs.

C. find ways to feed the whole world.

D. improve our health and produce fine animals.

4.From the passage we can learn that____.

A. people are all for the technology of cloning.

B. only scientists are interested in cloning.

C. people don’t hold the same opinion about cloning.

D. all the people think cloning unacceptable.

