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I was facing a decision. While delivering laundry (洗好的衣服) into the ________ bedrooms, I came across my thirteen-year-old sister’s diary, suffused (弥漫) with ________. What was I to do?

I had always been ________ of my little sister. Her charming smile, endearing personality and many talents ________ my place as leading lady. I competed with her secretly and grew to hate her natural abilities. ________, we seldom spoke. I sought opportunities to ________ her. Her diary lay at my feet, and I didn’t think of the ________ of opening it, considering not her privacy, nor the morality of my action.

I took the book from the floor and opened it ________, looking through the pages, searching for my name, convinced that I would discover ________. As I read, the blood ran from my face. I felt ________ and sat on the floor. There was neither charge nor hate. There was a brief description of herself, her goals and her dreams followed by a short description of the person who has ________ her most.

I started to cry. I was her ________. She admired me for my personality, my achievements and, ironically (嘲讽地), my ________. She wanted to be like me. She had been watching me for years, quietly admiring my choices and actions. I stopped reading, ________ with the crime I had committed.

I had wasted years hating her and now I had violated her ________. It was I who had lost something beautiful, and it was I who would never ________ myself to do such a thing again. Reading the earnest words my sister had written seemed to ________ an icy barrier around my heart, and I longed to know her again. On that fateful afternoon, as I ________ the laundry and rose to my feet, I ________ to go to her—this time to experience instead of to judge, to ________ instead of to fight. After all, she was my sister.

1.A. private   B. comfortable   C. appropriate   D. neat

2.A. attraction   B. entertainment   C. ambition   D. enthusiasm

3.A. envious   B. proud   C. fond   D. afraid

4.A. occupied   B. threatened   C. replaced   D. saved

5.A. As a result   B. In return   C. On the other hand   D. Once again

6.A. support   B. teach   C. blame   D. comfort

7.A. significance   B. conclusion   C. possibility   D. consequence

8.A. angrily   B. hesitantly   C. correctly   D. carelessly

9.A. complaints   B. praises   C. doubts   D. congratulations

10.A. shy   B. fearful   C. ashamed   D. nervous

11.A. respected   B. bothered   C. disappointed   D. inspired

12.A. sister   B. hero   C. angel   D. leader

13.A. honesty   B. intelligence   C. wisdom   D. personality

14.A. impressed   B. covered   C. struck   D. connected

15.A. dignity   B. peace   C. agreement   D. trust

16.A. enjoy   B. allow   C. behave   D. devote

17.A. melt   B. form   C. build   D. create

18.A. put up   B. put off   C. put aside   D. put on

19.A. dreamed   B. promised   C. attempted   D. decided

20.A. hug   B. challenge   C. listen   D. beg

