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Children learn to construct language from those around them. Until about the age of three, children tend to learn to develop their language by modeling the speech of their parents, but from that time on, peers have a growing influence as models for language development in children. It is easy to observe that, when adults and old children interact with younger children, they tend to change their language to improve communication with younger children, and this changed language is called caretaker speech

When speaking to young children most people will, without thinking, find ways to simplify their language. A caretaker will speak in one way with adults and in a very different way with young children. Caretaker speech tends to be slower speech with short simple words which are said in a high-pitched (高嗓音)voice with strong inflections (音调变化) and many repetitions of essential information.

Caretaker speech serves the very important function of allowing young children to acquire (学得) language more easily. The simplified words and sentences make it easier for the small child to begin to comprehend, and the repetitions strengthen the child’s developing understanding. Then, as a child’s speech develops, caretakers tend to adjust their language to a level that is slightly above that of a younger child. Without recognition of what they are doing, these caretakers will speak in one way to a one-year-old and in a more complex (复杂的) way as the child reaches the age of two or three.

There are debates among experts about whether caretaker speech is a natural function or a learned one. Those who believe that caretaker speech is a natural function in humans believe that it is human nature for children to acquire language and for those around them to encourage children to learn language naturally; the presence of a child is itself a natural stimulus (刺激) that increases the rate of caretaker speech among those present.

However, other experts believe that caretaker speech develops through nurturing (教育) rather than nature. They argue that people will try out different ways to communicate with a child and according to the child’s responses, choose the most effective speech; a parent might, for example, learn to use speech with strong inflections with a small child because the strong inflections do a better job attracting the child’s attention than do more small inflections.

1.According to the text, children over the age of three ________.

A.learn little language from those around them

B.are no longer influenced by the language of their parents

C.are influenced more by those closer to their own age

D.stop using caretaker speech in communication

2.Which of the following is TRUE about caretaker speech?

A.Most people are not familiar with the use of caretaker speech.

B.People generally speak louder to young children without realizing it.

C.Young children use caretaker speech to express themselves.

D.Caretaker speech cannot be understood if it is said only once.

3.It can be learned that parents tend to ________.

A.speak in the same way to a one-year-old and a three-year-old

B.use language that is far above the language level of a child

C.speak in a progressively less complex way as a child grows up

D.change their speech according to the language development of a child

4.It can be inferred that someone who believes in nurture over nature _________.

A.doesn’t believe children have a born ability to learn language

B.prefers to communicate with children in adults’ language

C.encourages parents to adjust their speech to children’s needs

D.has a better understanding of children’s language learning

