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Winter isn't the easiest season to stay healthy. Darkness comes early, inspiring us to stay indoors instead of heading out to exercise, which is easy for you to become sick. 1..Here are several simple ways to stay healthy in winter.

1. Take advantage of daylight

Winter days are shorter with much less natural light.2.. Winter is also a great time to take a vacation in a sun- rich location, if you have the time and the resources.

2. 3.

It is harder to exercise when it's cold outside. If you're accustomed to walking, biking or running in the evenings,your plans have to change when it gets dark by late afternoon. See if you can switch your outdoor exercise routine to earlier in the day so you can still take advantage of daylight and get all the benefits of being outdoors.

And remember, you don't have to get all your exercise in at once. You can sneak (溜走)in 10 minutes here and there by running up and down your steps at home or just jogging around your block when you have time. Put on some music and dance in your living room or walk while talking on the phone. 4. .

3.Eat healthy food

5.. But it's important to give your body healthy fuel to keep you energetic. Eat a  balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables,healthy whole grains, proteins and low-fat dairy.

A. Be active

B. Stay optimistic

C. But you can make a difference

D. It all adds up and will make you feel better

E. So try to get as much exposure to the sun as you can

F. You tend to turn to junk food when you stay indoors on a cold night

G. We often eat more in winter, which means we also tend to gain weight

