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Psychologists like Stephen Reicher from the University of St. Andrews in the U.K. suspect that crowds have a positive impact on the health of the individuals within them. Actually, what their research shows is that crowds are _________ to society. They help form our sense of who we are, they help form our relations to others — they even help determine our _________ well-being.

Reicher and his colleagues came to the largest Hindu festival, the Kumbh, to test the idea that crowds are beneficial and to confirm the healthful effects of the festival on its participants. Before the start of festival, his researchers went out into the Indian countryside to question a group of _________ attenders about their mental and physical health. They also questioned people who didn’t plan to attend. The researchers _________ to question both groups a month after the festival had ended. Those who stayed in their villages reported no real change over the period of the study. Those who attended it, on the other hand, reported a 10 percent _________ in their health, including less pain, less anxiety and higher energy levels. What’s more, the good effects lasted long afterward.

Why should belonging to a crowd improve your health? The psychologists think _________ identity is the cause. “You think in terms of ‘we’ rather than ‘I’,” explains a colleague of Reicher’s. This way of thinking _________ human relationships. Members of the crowd support one another, competition becomes cooperation, and people are able to achieve their goals in a way they wouldn’t be able to _________.

Unfortunately, in spite of the mutual support so _________ elsewhere at the Kumbh, 36 people died in a stampede (踩踏) at the train station there after the festival. Somehow the crowd had lost its ____________. Reicher wrote that one possible cause was that the people no longer formed a psychological crowd. They no longer saw those around them as fellows, but rather as ____________ for seats on a train.

____________, before this tragedy, Reicher had interviewed a villager who was asked to describe the feeling in the crowd at the station. “People think they are more powerful than you, they can push you around,” she said. She was then asked to describe the feeling in the Kumbh: “People ____________ you. They treat you in a polite manner.” The stampede was an example of what can happen when the psychological cooperation of a crowd ____________.

Incidents such as the stampede are rare at the festival, and this one is unlikely to discourage people from attending the event in the future. The police will undoubtedly learn from this experience and make the station safer. But in crowds as large as those at the festival, individuals must put their ____________ in the power of psychological cooperation. In other words, “Love thy (your) neighbor.” One day, it could even save your life.

1.A.appealing B.special C.critical D.instructive

2.A.financial B.physical C.developmental D.judgmental

3.A.average B.prosperous C.representative D.prospective

4.A.turned B.returned C.refused D.hesitated

5.A.improvement B.mystery C.understanding D.sign

6.A.particular B.unique C.shared D.personal

7.A.settles B.alters C.handles D.maintain

8.A.just B.late C.alone D.further

9.A.evident B.secure C.regular D.feasible

10.A.equality B.status C.spirit D.harmony

11.A.occupants B.participants C.competitors D.candidates

12.A.Inevitably B.Likewise C.Unfortunately D.Strangely

13.A.are cautious about B.are jealous of C.are suspicious of D.are concerned about

14.A.pops up B.breaks down C.goes on D.takes off

15.A.foundation B.interest C.faith D.personality

