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In August 2014, paleoanthropologist (古人类学家)Yingqi Zhang and his team went down into a sinkhole on the hunt for Gigantopithecus, the largest known primate(灵长类动物)to ever live. They came back out with a mix of bones from the unfortunate 1. (creature) that had fallen into the natural "death trap". None of those bones belonged to the extinct ape, but the team was in for a surprise: The mix included a 22,000-year-old lower jaw from 2.ancient panda. And within its worn edges, the jaw contained 3. is now the world’s oldest sample of panda DNA. Moreover, the genetic evidence 4.(show) that the bone comes from a 5.(previous) unknown lineage of giant panda. This animal may have been specifically adapted to6.(live) in its subtropical home, suggesting that the black-and-white beasts were once much 7.(diverse) than they are today, the authors argue in a paper 8. (publish) in the journal Current Biology. While the 9. (conclude) about panda diversity is probably not revolutionary, the team's work collecting ancient DNA from the degraded fossils is 10. great significance.

