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Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

My Campus Life

I spent my freshman year at Tulane University culture-shocked and out-of-place, desperate to leave. It wasn’t known to me anyone else who was on scholarship, I 1.(surprise) by the racism and sexism on campus.

2.(do) poorly my first year of college was terrible; 1 felt stupid and unworthy. This feeling was terrible because I had attended a famous math and science public high school in New York 3.grades meant everything. But changing colleges - 4.  the move was forced and unplanned - set the stage for me to find my passion and, eventually, a career.

When I picked up the pieces after Tulane and enrolled in a state college in Albany, New York, I was still raw from my freshman year experience. I drank a lot, didn’t know 5.   classes to take and generally felt lost, It wasn’t  6.  I took my first women’s studies class - an introductory feminist course - that I found my footing.

Suddenly I could see the ways that everything from pop culture and politics devalued women, and I understood more fully 7. injustices weren’t random but systemic. Most importantly, however, I realized that there was nothing wrong with me. Nothing is wrong with being loud or opinionated.  These were just characteristics not valued in women.

Once the personal validation took hold, the broader political implications followed. I became active in campus causes,joined a women’s studies  8.(teach) collective and started to get good grades in my classes and not just the feminist ones. Finding genuine enthusiasm for a topic - one that related so directly 9. the world around me - gave me a drive that I  10. (not experience) before. And it has not stopped since.

