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"Mom," my daughter told me, "I didn't fit in there at all!" I laughed to hear her say so. We were leaving a Korean grocery store after______up some ingredients for a recipe.

For context, my daughter and I both speak English as our first language, And even though she attends a public school with a very______student body, she's not used to being______by people who don't speak her language.

The reason she got the______to step outside her comfort zone is that I stepped outside of mine. I have four children, and they love______outside. When a new family moved in next door, my children started to play with their children, and I got to meet the mother of the family, Lydia.

Lydia is Korean, and her family______to our city. We started talking, and she was apologetic about how______her English was, but I didn’t care. After all, her English was so much better than my Korean, I_______chatting with Lydia as we watched our kids play.

It was what came next that______me: Lydia asked if Id he willing to help her with her English. I am not a teacher. Yet I______teachers for what they do so much that I was sure that I couldn't do it myself. But Lydia was sure that she wanted my help. I was______. I wasn't sure my "help" was even worth being called by that name.

But because she asked me, I said "yes".

And that was the beginning of a _____. Lydia and I spent afternoons reading the newspaper, and______we did, she asked me questions not only about language, but also about the new______she found herself in. In turn, I asked my own questions, growing______about her home country and culture. When I complimented(赞美)her cooking, she began to______me about Korean food, eventually leading to a shared trip to______the Korean grocery stores in our city.

I'm still not sure that i' m any good as a teacher. But I’m______I said "yes" when my neighbor asked me to____  her with her English. That meant spending extra time with my neighbor, and that extra time meant she didn't______just my neighbor.

She became my friend.

1.A. picking   B. turning   C. taking   D. looking

2.A. wide   B. social   C. diverse   D. complex

3.A. informed   B. surrounded   C. diverse   D. complex

4.A. way   B. difference   C. hope   D. chance

5.A. walking   B. playing   C. fighting   D. traveling

6.A. returned   B. applied   C. moved   D. contributed

7.A. silly   B. bitter   C. funny   D. poor

8.A. enjoyed   B. suggested   C. practised   D. began

9.A. challenged   B. cheered   C. concerned   D. confused

10.A. support   B. need   C. recognize   D. admire

11.A. regretful   B. doubtful   C. speechless   D. fearless

12.A. journey   B. life   C. friendship   D. story

13.A. though   B. if   C. as   D. until

14.A. family   B. culture   C. career   D. field

15.A. tolerant   B. cautious   C. numb   D. curious

16.A. teach   B. inquire   C. request   D. remind

17.A. inspect   B. search   C. explore   D. discover

18.A. grateful   B. amazed   C. determined   D. energetic

19.A. greet   B. help   C. equip   D. provide

20.A. prove   B. make   C. seem   D. remain

