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Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to1.Now she was Portia,a strong-willed2in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.The theater was filled with people.She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced,the words flowing

3from her.

4.Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition(选拔试演).She5being in front of other people.She was very6at school.She had never thought she was good enough at anything to7much attention.She stayed mostly to herself,making8friends.She had excellent grades,9she always thought that something was missing.

Two weeks before the audition,Roberta’s mother had heard about it and10her to join in.

“I can’t think of anyone else better suited to11the part.Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?”

Roberta looked down.“I’m not interested.”

Her mother wouldn’t let the12drop.“You’re just a little scared(害怕).Everyone gets scared.You know you13do it.The trick is to look past the14to find the love of what you’re doing.”

So Roberta had made an appointment(预约)with the head of the Drama Club.She had read the play and found herself excited by the15of speaking such rich words.In secret she practiced Portia’s part,16the lines by repeating them over and over.It wasn’t hard;she17every minute of it.Every time she spoke the words,she had a new18of the lines,as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.

On the day of the audition,she19two of Portia’s famous speeches for the auditors.When she had finished,the head of the Drama Club announced the20was hers.

1.A.sing                B.dance            C.speak             D.report

2.A.member          B.actress               C.player                D.character

3.A.weakly          B.rapidly               C.smoothly          D.slowly

4.A.At first            B.In fact               C.After all         D.In all

5.A.hated           B.enjoyed           C.appreciated           D.regretted

6.A.honest          B.shy               C.polite                D.patient

7.A.avoid           B.focus             C.pay               D.attract

8.A.few             B.a few             C.several               D.many

9.A.or              B.so                    C.for               D.but

10.A.forced         B.requested         C.encouraged            D.reminded

11.A.accept         B.play              C.offer             D.learn

12.A.role               B.matter                C.interest              D.grade

13.A.can                B.must              C.may               D.should

14.A.anger          B.pain              C.sadness               D.fear

15.A.purpose            B.way               C.idea              D.importance

16.A.memorizing                         B.organizing

C.checking                              D.improving

17.A.disliked           B.loved             C.expected          D.bore

18.A.consideration                          B.description

C.selection                             D.understanding

19.A.practiced          B.planned           C.performed         D.delivered

20.A.part               B.play              C.speech                D.position

