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One day, I went to my favorite cafe for lunch. I ________ a burger and went to the outdoor seats. While waiting for my meal, a homeless man on a bicycle stopped to ask if there was a grocery store nearby. After I gave him ________, he asked if I had ________ from Santa Clara University. (I was wearing a SCU T-shirt. )I told him, yes. Little did I know that this ________ response would lead to a 90-minute conversation. The man, Michael, told me he was very intelligent. ________, drug use had ruined both his formal education and his pursuit of ________ in his work. He drifted from one topic to another, ________ the fact that I was ready for my lunch.

He clearly had more of a ________ to talk than I did. I made ever ________ to give him my full attention, never ________ our talk would go on and on...Eventually, I did eat my meal, bite by bite ________ responses in our conversation. Michael was a bit strange. ________ his interests and viewpoints. We had little in ________, but he was fascinated with talking with, as he ________ it, “intelligent people.” I have to admit, I wish our conversation had been ________ to ten or fifteen minutes, but when Michael finally ________ off, he thanked me for listening so ________ to him and for my ________ to talk with him for so long. It was then that I ________ that, just maybe, that was my purpose in life for today …to be there, in that place, at that time, to ________ in that conversation.

1.A. booked            B. ordered            C. made            D. selected

2.A. commands                            B. contributions

C. introductions                    D. directions

3.A. quitted            B. 1eft                C. graduated    D. 1earned

4.A. simple            B. careless            C. timely        D. significant

5.A. Unfortunately    B. Unnecessarily    C. Consequently    D. Additionally

6.A. power            B. success            C. luck            D. strength

7.A. admitting        B. recognizing        C. ignoring        D. covering

8.A. benefit            B. ambition            C. need            D. chance

9.A. use                B. difference        C. decision        D. effort

10.A. wondering        B. expecting        C. attempting    D. requesting

11.A. between        B. in                C. beyond        D. among

12.A. in terms of    B. in favor of        C. in case of    D. in place of

13.A. public            B. vain                C. particu1ar    D. common

14.A. took            B. saw                C. put            D. got

15.A. applied        B. 1imited            C. compared        D. referred

16.A. drove            B. raced            C. rode            D. turned

17.A. attentively    B. clearly            C. honestly        D. casually

18.A. weakness        B. quietness        C. business        D. willingness

19.A. struck            B. occurred            C. realized        D. complained

20.A. result            B. engage            C. 1ead            D. compete

