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Julia:(chatting with her e-friends online)oh my god ! it must be so late. 1.__________ are you. What time is it?

Mary: just after 2 am.

Julia: what’s wrong? Can’t you go to sleep?

Mary: no, actually I was waiting for you. I have 2..____________ important to tell you.

Julia: really? What is it?

Mary: I’ve had an offer 3.___________(work) for a company in your city.

Julia: I can’t believe it! Is it true? You are moving here?

Mary: I’m still hesitated4.___________ whether to accept the position. With the upcoming holiday I think it’s the perfect chance to visit the city and take a good look at the company before making the final decision.   5.______________ you have time I think we could get together in person.

Julia: just give me the dates and I 6..___________(make) sure I’m free. You know after all this chatting online, it will be great to meet you in real life. I look forward to7._________(see) you soon!

Mary: me too. But I think I am going to bed now. My head is getting heavy. Have 8._________ nice day there!

Julia: thanks. This is so9._________(excite). Sleep tight and sweet dreams!

Mary: talk to you 10._________(late).

