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When Chinese researchers successfully figured out the genetic structure of the novel coronavirus in January, many people thought a vaccine(疫苗) would soon follow.  1.  

First, scientists must work together to understand the structure of the virus and develop potential vaccines to fight against it.  2.  After passing animal tasting, clinical trials of the vaccine are then done on humans. Finally the vaccine needs to be approved by officials before it can be made available to the public. All of the steps are necessary to make sure that the new vaccine is safe for people to use.  3.  With technological advancements and government funding (资金), the time it takes to develop vaccines can be reduce.

CEPI, an international organization that develops vaccine, for example, is funding programs that focus on making a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. About 35 companies and academic institutions, including the US company Moderna, funded by CEPI, are searching for a COVID-19 vaccine.  4.  Once a vaccine is ready, 100 million doses (剂量) could be made within a year, according to Modena’s CEO Stephane Bancel.

5.  Not only do they help to save individual lives, but they also help the local and even the global community.

A.This is why a vaccine is developed.

B.But that’s a lot easier said than done.

C.However, experts say vaccines are unlikely to be available

D.Once these first vaccines are made, they are tested on animals.

E.Sometimes, this process can take as long as 10 to 15 years to complete.

F.Even though vaccines take a long time to develop, they are very important.

G.A few have begun testing in animals, while Moderna’s attempt has started human trials.

