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Is it to control their body temperature? Save energy? Find food? Tiger sharks at the Ningaloo Reef are thought to search the seafloor for prey as they dive down and swim up. But could there be other reasons why the sharks often move up and down through the water column?

That’s what UWA student Sammy is hoping to find out for her Ph.D. research. Sammy caught 24 tiger sharks at the Ningaloo Reef and attached tracking devices to them for up to 48 hours. The devices recorded activity rates and other data 20 times a second. The tags also contained video cameras, so Sammy could see the habitats the sharks moved through and the animals they met. She watched how the sharks reacted to prey and how the prey reacted to them.

Tiger sharks can be pretty lazy — something as simple as a turtle noticing a shark and turning away could cause the shark not to bother hunting it.

“Stomach content analysis has found their normal prey items, such as turtles, rays and fish,” Sammy said. “But have also found some really interesting things, such as license plates, cans and nails.”

Sammy said that studying tiger sharks can help her better understand the ecosystem as a whole. How they move through the Ningaloo Reef and feed can help her figure out how they might be impacting the animals beneath them in the food chain.

But hours of watching tiger sharks hunt hasn’t put Sammy off the animals at all. She said her time tagging sharks at the Ningaloo Reef was the best month of her Ph.D., if not her life. “At first, I was a bit apprehensive about it ... getting that close to some very big animals,” Sammy said. “But they were very frightened once you had them restrained alongside the boat. They’d just sit there; you’d attach the tag; you’d take the line off and they’d just swim off really calmly. It was pretty amazing to see these. They’re just absolutely beautiful animals.”

1.What can be the function of the first paragraph?

A.To give an example. B.To introduce the topic.

C.To make a comparison. D.To provide the background.

2.What does Sammy want to know through her research?

A.Why tiger sharks swim up and down. B.What tiger sharks like to hunt and eat.

C.How tiger sharks react in front of humans. D.Whether tiger sharks are endangered or not.

3.What can be inferred from the stomach content analysis?

A.Tiger sharks live happily in the sea. B.Tiger sharks are sensitive to some food.

C.Tiger sharks are lazier than expected. D.Tiger sharks have a very broad diet.

4.What does the underlined word “apprehensive” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Careless. B.Curious. C.Fearful. D.Cautious.

