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When we read a poem. we often imagine what the poets1. (think) when they wrote or what they were doing at the time. These thoughts let us connect with the words better,as if we'd created the poem2. (we). Will a poem still mean as much if a compute writes it?

By3. (use) algorithms (算法) , computers can now create all kinds of text, including research papers, books, news, stories and even poems. Computer-generated poems might be correct in both grammar and style, 4.some say they still lack 5. (create) and true meaning.

Australian researcher Oscar Schwartz created a website6.(call) "bot or not". On his site, you can read poems and guess whether they7.(write) by a human or a computer.Schwartz recently gave a speech at TedX Sydney, in8.he stated that some of the website's poems were able to9.(foolish) 65 percent of human readers.

He said that on his website, he hoped people would question the difference between humans and machines一and be able to identify what it is10.makes us human.

