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We were moving.Our new home would be across the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge,in another district of New York City.We were _________ the only home I had ever known.To my_________ ,it occurred right before the beginning of sixth grade.Not only would I not be able to _________ elementary school with my friends,but I would have to start a new school life with new students who had known each other _________ me.I spent the summer _________ to a new neighborhood,but making friends didn’t come _________to me.

In addition,the _________of starting a new school life hung over me like a black cloud.The first day of school arrived too quickly,as I hadn’t _________ well.I entered my new classroom trying very hard not to appear as _________ as I felt,but it wasn’t easy.Twenty-eight kids turned to_________ me,which made me more nervous.

Mr Bernstein welcomed me to the class and _________ me to the other students.Then he _________ me to an empty desk in the back of the room,next to another girl.Her name was Janet and she was assigned to be my _________.I slowly walked across the room to take my seat.

Mr Bernstein began to rapidly _________ the requirements for our class.After class,we walked to the cafeteria,sat together and happily talked a lot about our _________.We both had two sisters,and she lived about a fifteen-minute walk away from my house.In addition,her parents were as _________ as mine:no make-up,nail polish,or stockings.The smiles on both our faces broadened with each new _________.On that first day in a new school,things turned out to be quite _________

It has now been over thirty-five years.A lot of things have been_________ in both of our lives:graduation,college,marriage,divorce,and children.But the _________that began from that first day of middle school is still going strong.

1.A.repairing    B.purchasing   C.destroying  D.1eaving

2.A.sadness       B.delight      C.surprise  D.embarrassment

3.A.visit       B.select       C.finish      D.enter

4.A.except       B.besides      C.1ike      D.with

5.A.responding   B.objecting    C.sticking   D.adjusting

6.A.easily      B.clearly     C.sharply     D.freely

7.A.regret      B.fear        C.curiosity   D.excitement

8.A.slept       B.prepared   C.worked      D.1earned

9.A.tired       B.scared      C.disappointed  D.bored

10.A.agree with   B.1ook after   C.stare at  D.worry about

11.A.pushed      B.compared   C.took      D.introduced

12.A.educated   B.directed   C.1imited    D.employed

13.A.specialist  B.servant      C.partner     D.applicant

14.A.understand  B.prepare     C.inspect     D.detail

15.A.families    B.friends     C.neighbors D.teachers

16.A.angry       B.strict       C.generous   D.patient

17.A.invention  B.exchange    C.adventure D.setting

18.A.controversial B.absurd      C.good      D.terrible

19.A.changed   B.indentified   C.collected   D.classified

20.A.responsibility B.challenge  C.hardship   D.friendship

