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Arriving in a new city, I had the strangest first week of my graduate school. I fell and broke my 1within two days of arriving there! I was really 2by the kindness shown by my new 3, someone who I had only just met. "We are family now", she said when she found me 4in my room with a swollen leg, unable to move, in a 5city with no family except across three oceans.

She 6me to the student health center by taxi to get my leg 7. The driver was so nice and said to me how 8I was to have a friend like that. After that, my roommate 9stop helping me — she made me delicious meals and 10them to me and made me comfortable despite my insistence that I could do things on my own. When I refused her help, "I really like 11people", she would say, "and I believe what goes 12always comes around..." and this was from someone who I had been  13just by chance!

I was 14touched by the kindness of everyone — the girl in the elevator, people on the bus, the doctors and nurses—people who were so considerate and 15. Not feeling lonely and homesick any more, I 16I’ve become a member of a big family.

The small acts 17in my mind — the bus drivers gave me the luxury of being picked up from any point wherever and made sure I could get the connections to 18I needed to go... or the many people who 19the door open for me — small things that were incredibly hard with inconvenience. In whatever way I could, I decided to 20the universe for its blessings.

1.A. leg                B. arms             C. back             D. fingers

2.A. interested         B. assisted         C. touched          D. advocated

3.A. classmate          B. teacher          C. desk-mate        D. roommate

4.A. studying           B. lying                C. walking          D. dying

5.A. strange            B. different            C. big              D. small

6.A. brought           B. fetched          C. took             D. drove

7.A. examined           B. examining        C. examine          D. to examine

8.A. easy               B. comfortable      C. inspiring            D. lucky

9.A. didn't             B. had to           C. failed to            D. promised to

10.A. cooked            B. brought          C. bought           D. sent

11.A. to help           B. help             C. being helped         D. helping

12.A. around            B. across           C. over             D. beyond

13.A. parted                B. passed           C. paired           D. pitied

14.A. slightly         B. secretly          C. seriously            D. suddenly

15.A. concentrated      B. concerned        C. changed          D. conducted

16.A. felt              B. stopped          C. announced        D. determined

17.A. stayed                B. lasted               C. grew             D. related

18.A. whatever          B. whenever         C. wherever         D. whoever

19.A. prepared          B. held             C. tended           D. threw

20.A. refuse            B. repay                C. reach                D. receive

