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Many of us are hardwired NOT to ask for help. We think it makes us appear weak. We think people will say no. we think we have to do everything ourselves.1.. We have to get over that, and there’s how:

Get over yourself

No one—and I mean NO ONE----got anywhere alone. You cannot and should not do everything yourself. You are not, in fact, always the best person for the job, or the “only” person who can do it. asking for help is sign of strength, not weakness. Asking for help clears space for you and frees your time and energy. 2..

Rebuild your thinking

Rebuild what it means to ask for help from “I am a weak, incompetent loser” to “I am strategically allocating my time to focus on what matters most.” Don’t focus on the fact that you can’t do something or don’t have the time.  3.. It’s a chance to connect, a chance to value a colleague, a chance to get something done faster or better, a chance to optimize your own time and talents.


Asking for help is about tapping valuable resources to get the best outcome the most quickly with the fewest resources expended. That’s a fancy way of saying “get the right people for the job.” 5.. And the best way to do that is to know your colleagues, and proactively build relationships.

A. Know your colleagues.

B. Think about your colleagues.

C. Your energy can’t be wasted.

D. It’s a smart strategy.

E. It’s all about building the right team.

F. Instead, think about what you will gain from the ask.

G. Whatever the reason, we don’t ask for the help we need.

